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Use these resources to take action in your community to turn out the vote in 2024. Check back regularly for updates as we roll out our 2024 endorsements! 


what's at stake in 2024

The 2024 General Election will prove to be one of the most consequential in American history. Control of the closely divided Senate and House of Representatives, state legislatures and governorships, and of course, the White House, are at stake.


We must retake the House to continue funding critical programs that working families, students, parents, children - all of us - rely on. We must hold the Senate to confirm more federal judges - including a potential Supreme Court justice - for a fairer and more just judiciary. We must expand progressive power in the states - the laboratories of democracy - to protect fragile gains on fairer maps, voting rights and access, abortion rights, and more (as well as fight for progress in states which have stripped their residents of their rights and freedoms). We must hold the White House to preserve our democracy.


Not since 1865 has the future of the republic been so uncertain, and so vulnerable. In 2024, it’s all on the line, and we need YOU to step up and fight for our future.

sign the pledge

It’s not enough to simply vote against Donald Trump should he win the nomination. The MAGA Republicans he’s enabled pose an enormous danger to the American Way and one that doesn’t go away with his defeat alone. It's time for all of us to vote against Trump and MAGA Republicans like him in all elections, at every level of government.

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Are you Ready to Vote?

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use these graphics to start posting about the 2024 elections!

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